Thursday, July 16, 2009

And So It Begins...

Okay, I just want to begin by saying that I am not cheating.

Yes, I knew that I would be going to Washington, DC in a few days when I wrote my list, but it still counts. It is, after all, something I am going to do in the next 1,001 days. Right? So I will be leaving tonight at about 8:30 and driving straight through the night to arrive in the wee hours of the morn, at which point I will probably collapse on the softest surface I can find and enter the sleep of living death.

Or else I'll just go to Starbucks and everything will be all better.

Mmmmmm. Espresso Truffle.

So I will be bringing my camera along with me to document any items I cross of the list this weekend (there should be a couple, at least). I'll keep you posted...

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