Monday, July 20, 2009

Off To A Good Start

The Pentagon at 60 mph!
Ya know, this could be a very fun next 1,001 days.

I kicked off knocking things off my list in grand style this weekend. Some successes, some failures, some interesting judgment calls, and one very good weekend.

I drove to Washington, DC, which takes care of number 46 on the list. That would be the Pentagon on the left.

While I was there, I attended the Red Hot & Blues BBQ and had the opportunity to cross number 59 off the list, as well. There were events in Glen Echo and Bethesda, MD, Arlington, VA, and something in DC itself. That would more than cover four cities in two states in one weekend.

I decided, however, that I was going to remain true to the spirit of the list and not cross items off on technicalities. I mean, the point of number 59 is really to dance in four completely separate and distinct scenes in two different states over the course of a weekend. While that would technically apply here, I couldn't cross it off in good conscience.

Isn't this a purty picture?My Fail Moment for the weekend was going all the way to the Washington Monument and not climbing to the top because the line was too long and I wanted to get back to my car to avoid having to pay more then one hour's parking. In the "compounding your fail" category, I wound up losing my parking ticket somewhere along the way and having to pay the full day rate after all.

Of course, the weekend was not entirely full of list-crossing fails. I did go to the Chateau O'Brien Vineyard in Virginia Wine Country. I enjoyed a wine tasting, a glass of Buddy's Bistro Red with cheese, a baguette, fantastic company, and an amazing view!

Wow!  Need I say more?

It's Buddy!!!  Every bottle of wine has been taste tested by him.

After the wine, we returned to DC and did some more dancing. I had a late-night snack on a place called Buzz, where I had a great opportunity to cross number 56 off (Louis Prima and Keely Smith were playing, among others), but I let that opportunity slip by. Fortunately, number 56 is one that presents itself countless times.

So, after all that, I have managed to cross two items off the list, failed with one, and opted not to cross off another. If I keep this up, I might actually accomplish everything on my list, after all. I'm on my way home and pulled off at a Dunkin' Donuts in Urbana to blog. After all, as someone very wise recently told me, sometimes you just have to pull off the road...

Sometimes you just have to pull off the road...

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